Mother’s Day Quotes For Stepmom

- “A day is sometimes our mother, sometimes our stepmother.” – Hesiod
- “Step-parents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather to augment a child’s life experience.” – Azriel Johnson
- “A healthy stepmother knows that somedays she’s a stagehand, somedays she’s the leading lady and somedays she’s the audience… and she plays each role with style and grace.”
- “Proud Stepmoms. We’re not trying to be someone else. We’re pretty wonderful just being ourselves.”
- “Stepmoms deserve the same respect a mother would receive. They pour all of their time, energy and love into a child they didn’t even create. Stepmoms don’t do it because they have to. They do it because they want to.”
- “Parenthood requires love, not DNA.”
- “You don’t just complete my dad’s life. You add a special touch to mine, too.”
- “Family means a lot — especially when it’s filled with someone as special as you.”
- “We aren’t “step”, we aren’t “half”, we’re just family.”
- “Anyone can be a mother. It takes a fearless warrior to be a Stepmom.”
- “You never treated me as a spare child, but as an extra blessing.”
- “You did not give me the gift of life. Life gave me the gift of you.”
- “Thank you for always ‘stepping’ up.”
- “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “Who needs a fairy godmother when there are stepmoms.”
Mother’s Day Quotes For Stepmom
Reviewed by Admin
April 01, 2020
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