Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! And if you’ve been hanging out on C.R.A.F.T. for any amount of time, you know cheesy, cute Valentine Day sayings are my favorite. I’ve gathered a list of 159 cute sayings paired with small treats. Everything from school supplies, to toy cars to candy and even wine and coffee. This comprehensive list of cute valentine sayings covers everyone on your list, from co-workers, classmates to husbands and kids. It’s also organized by category to make finding the perfect Valentine phrase as easy as possible.
1. Gummi bears: I’m beary happy you’re in my class
2. Smarties: Hey Smartie pants, Happy Valentines Day
3. Lolly pop: You make my heart pop
4. Blow pop: You blow me away
5. Orbit Gum: You send my heart into Orbit
6. Mints: You’re mint to be my Valentine
7. Swedish fish: You’re o-fish-ally an awesome friend
8. Extra gum: You’re extra awesome, Valentine!
9. Tootsie rolls: I like the way you roll
10. Pop Rocks: You rock, Valentine
11. Krackel chocolate bars: You krack me up
12. Rolos: I like the way you roll
13. Peeps: Happy Valentines Day to all my peeps
14. Snickers: Thanks for making me snicker
15. Gum: I chews you, Valentine
16. Hot tamales: You’re one hot tamale
17. Butterfinger: Life is butter with you in it
18. Any candy: You’re sweet
19. Button candy: You’re as cute as a button
20. 2 of any candy: We’re 2 of a kind
21. Reeses pieces: You stole a piece of my heart
22. Almond Joy: It’s a joy being your friend
23. Starbursts: I’m bursting with happiness that you’re my friend
24. Rolos: You’re the bomb
25. Pixie sticks: Stick with me, Valentine
26. Sweet tarts: You’re as sweet as can be
28. Now and Laters: I love you Now and Later
29. Chocolate coins: Don’t ever change
30. Hershey kisses: I love you a bushel and a peck
31. Life Savers: Valentine, you float my boat
32. Gold fish: I’m so glad we’re in the same school
33. Teddy Grahams: A big bear hug for you
34. S’mores: Everyday I like you s’more and Everyday I like you s’more
35. Apple Jacks: You’re the apple of my eye
36. Coffee: Thanks for keeping me grounded
37. Moon Pie: I love you to the moon and back
38. Pirates Booty: Ahoy Matey, you’ re a real treasure
39. Chips Ahoy cookies: Ahoy Matey, be my valentine
40. Bunny Crackers: Some bunny loves being your friend
41. Gold fish: You are o’fish’ally an awesome friend
42. Donut holes: You are a hole lot of fun, Valentine!
42. Donut holes: You are a hole lot of fun, Valentine!
43. Donuts: Donut you know I like you a hole bunch
44. Moon Pie: I love you to the moon and back
44. Moon Pie: I love you to the moon and back
45. Crush soda: You’re Crushin’ It
46. Kool Aid: You’re kool
47. Mountain Dew: I love everything you dew
48. Apple juice boxes: You’re the apple of my eye
49. Hot chocolate: You melt my heart
50. Soda: I soda think you are amazing
51. Nutella: I‘m nuts about you (& chocolate)!
52. Fortune cookie: I’m so fortune-ate that you’re my friend
53. Froot loops: You make my loop complete
54. Can of soup: You’re souper!
55. Key shaped cookies: You hold the key to my heart
56. Moon pies: I love you to the moon and back
57. Apple sauce: You’re awesome sauce
58. Coffee: Thanks for keeping me grounded and for be’an such a good friend
59. Wine: You’re like a fine wine, Valentine
60. Wine: Don’t make me whine, be my valentine
61. Cheerios: You’re O so special to me
62. Pickle: You mean a great dill to me
63. Clementine orange: You’re such a cutie
64. Berries: I like you berry much
65. Banana: I’m bananas over you
66. Orange: You’re my main squeeze, Valentine
67. Plum: You’re plum perfect
68. Apples: You’re the apple of my eye
69. Pear: We make a great pear
70. Nuts: I’m nuts about you
71. Peanut butter: Spread the love
72. Popcorn: I’m going to pop a corny question- Will you be my Valentine?
73. Olives: Olive you a lot
74. Corn nuts: Don’t mean to be corny, but will you be my Valentine?
75. Popcorn: My heart pops for you
75. Popcorn: My heart pops for you
76. Cheese Stick: Let’s stick together
77. Fruit Leather: You are a berry good friend
78. Pretzel Sticks: Stick with me, Valentine
79. PB&J Sandwiches: We stick together like PB&J
80. Crayons: You color my world, Valentine!
81. Ruler: You rule, Valentine
82. Highlighter: You’re the highlight of my day!
83. Glue: Let’s stick together
84. Pen/ Pencil: You’re just write for me
85. Matchbox car: I wheelie like you
86. Playing cards: 52 things I love about you
87. Magnifying glass: I’ve got my eye on you
88. Glow sticks: You make my heart glow
89. Bouncy ball: You make my heart bounce
90. Bubbles: You blow me away, Valentine
91. GI Joe: Love is a battlefield
92. Stickers/ tattoos: I’m stuck on you
93. Plastic zoo animals: I’m wild about you
94. Ball: I like the way you roll
95. Shovel: I dig you
96. Dinosaur: You’re dino-mite
97. Play-Doh: I like to play with you, Valentine
98. Stretch toy: It’s no stretch being your friend
99. Star Wars: Be my Jedi
100. Star Wars: You’re the Obi-Won for me
101. Puzzle: We fit together perfectly
102. Airplane: You make my heart soar
103. Any tattoo or sticker: I’m stuck on you
104. Balloon: You make my heart pop
105. Cat (tattoo, sticker, eraser): I think you’re purrrrrfect
106. Mad libs: I’m mad about you
107. Owl (tattoo, sticker, eraser): I’ll owl-ways be your friend
108. Boat: You float my boat
109. Crazy straw: You are ex-straw special
110. Cactus: I‘m stuck on you
111. Lip gloss: Read my lips, I’m yours
112. Balloon: Love is in the air
113. Socks: We’re the perfect pair
114. Search wood book: I searched and found the best Valentine
115. Google Eyes: I’ve got my eyes on you
116. Crazy straws: I’m crazy for you
117. Sewing kit: You’re sew special to me
118. Band Aids: I’m stuck on you
119. Buttons: You’re as cute as a button
120. Magnet: Can’t resist your pull
121. Friendship bracelet: Our class would knot be the same without
122. Matches: We’re the perfect match
123. Handi wipes: You can count on me when things get sticky
124. Sewing kit: I love you sew much
125. Soap: I was soapin’ you’d be my Valentine
126. Hot pad: You warm my heart
127. Hammer: You make my heart pound
128. Candle: You light up my life
129. Comb: Honey, comb your hair we have a date tonight
130. Dry erase/ chalk board: I’m never board when you’re around
131. Playing cards: You are the King of my heart
132. Lottery ticket: I love you a whole Lotto
133. Lottery ticket: You’re a whole lotto fun
134. Map/ globe: You mean the world to me
135. Magnets: Let’s stick together
136. Screwdriver: You drive me mad (in a good way)!
137. Socks: You knock my socks off
138. Watch: You make my heart go tick tock
139. Light bulb: I love you a whole watt
140. Paper/electric fan: You blow me away
141. Toothbrush: I can’t smile with out you
142. Scratch off jokes: 6 cheesy heart day jokes
143. Cookie cutter: You’re a cut above the rest
144. Mustache: I mustache you a question? Will you be my Valentine?
145. Painted twigs: Stick with me, Valentine
146. Typewriter doodle: You’re just my type
147. Sheep doodle: I love ewe
148. Owl doodle: Owl be you’re friend forever
149. Star Wars: The force is strong with you
150. Clothes pins: I’d love to hang out with you
151. Rocket ship: You’re outta this world
152. Owl doodle: You’re a hoot
153. Deer doodle: You’re a deer to me
154. Maze: I think you’re a-maze-ing
155. Flower: I’d pick you any day
156. Thumbprint: Thumb-body loves you
157. Lottery ticket: I love you a whole lotto
158. Painted rocks: You rock, Valentine
159. Pom Poms: You are the Pom
Reviewed by Admin
January 15, 2021

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