A Pray for the Wife Who desires Intimacy in Her Marriage

A Pray for the Wife Who desires Intimacy in Her Marriage

Lord, You placed Adam and Eve in the perfect environment. They were fully known and fully loved by one another and by You. 
But with sin came shame and a barrier to intimacy. No longer exposed but hidden from view. Afraid to be seen. 
Help us to see our husbands and ourselves through the lens of Your love. Show us how to drop our guards and open our hearts to one another. Teach us how to experience true intimacy- Your desire for us from the start. 
I come against anything that would come between us. Help us to keep our eyes and hearts pure, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to You. 
Help us to be intentional to schedule time together. Time that allows intimacy to not be rushed but to develop into a joining together.
 I pray our affection would be for one another and that we would find satisfaction in our intimate times. Drawing closer to one another and to You. 
In Jesus' precious Name, Amen.
A Pray for the Wife Who desires Intimacy in Her Marriage A Pray for the Wife Who desires Intimacy in Her Marriage Reviewed by Admin on January 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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