365 Reasons Why I Love You—Ideas for a Sentimental Note To Share Every Day of the Year [Part 1]
365 Reasons Why I Love You
1. “You are my sunshine! My only sunshine…” You absolutely make me happy, even when the skies are gray.
2. Best friends forever. And ever and ever, you are stuck with me, forever.
3. The Yin to my Yang. There is a perfect push and pull to our relationship that allows growth and expansion but keeps us attuned to each other.
4. You complete me. A corny line from a movie? Maybe. But this statement holds true in all aspects of my life, our life together. I would be incomplete without you.
5. I can fart in front of you. Heck, you would probably take one for the team if I farted in public and could potentially embarrass myself.
6. Your dedication. You will still fix things around the house, even after a long day at work. I am not sure how many times I need things done around the house, or I spring a last-minute project on you like buying a microwave from the Goodwill (without all of the hardware) because it was newer and shinier than the one we have, and I am not asking you to hang it right now (but if you insist on hanging it right now, that would be great) and it is now hung in my kitchen and looks wonderful. And now I can think of you whenever I am heating up dinner.
7. You never complain when I ruin dinner. I am not sure how many dinners I have ruined in 27 years (I am sure I could only count on one hand) but you have never pushed it away or complained about it.
8. You never complain when I forget to pack half of your lunch and you starve the rest of the day. There are many early mornings in those 27 years that I have (for most of those) made your lunch. And there may be times when I forget to pack items like drinks or food. And you never complain about being hungry all day, nor do you make me feel bad about it when I figure out while cleaning out your lunch box at night that I hadn’t put enough stuff in the box.
9. You just get another Chapstick out after finding yours has been laundered. There is always that chance you could still use it, but since you have never made it to the bottom of a Chapstick yet, why start now?
10. You work hard for us. Day in and day out, you go to work to provide for our family.
11. You grill meat, so I don’t have to cook. That is what I tell myself anyway. In reality, you just really love cooking meat.
12. I can control the remote. We watch football and college basketball, all of the time. And even when I fall asleep most nights while watching, it is still on when I wake up.
13. Chivalry is not outdated. You always open doors for me. Nothing makes me feel more special than when you open a car door for me. Some call it old-fashioned, but I don’t care. It makes me feel awesome.
14. Chivalry passed on. You have taught our boys to open doors for me, and for others. And the specialness will continue with their wives too.
15. Your personality. Funny and sweet, just the way I love you.
16. I still get goosebumps. Even after all of these years, you can still flash that cheeky little dimple my way, and I still get goosebumps.
17. You are always there for me. I am never alone, in good times and bad times.
18. Your kindness is refreshing. You will put others before your own needs, and I love you for that.
19. You changed diapers. At all hours of the night, you would get up and take care of the babies. (All I had to do was actually ask.)
20. You call me out on my BS. In times when I forget to be nice, you call me out.
21. You are unbelievably patient. I am not an easy person to be with, but somehow you never make me feel like I am anything but wonderful. You have the patience of a saint.

22. You love me back to beautiful. Even when I feel ugly, or I am being ugly, you love me back to beautiful.
23. Your sense of humor is one of your major character attributes. We laugh at all of the same crazy stuff, sometimes until we have tears.
24. You rub my feet. Because you know I won’t ask, you will just rub my feet. Gosh, does that feel good.
25. Trust. I trust you. You trust me. Even if it meant selling a beautiful home on a whim and moving to a new town and county, away from family, so we could live out our “dream” early. And boy, did it work out!
26. Family is everything. Our little family unit means everything to you, and I am pretty sure you would do anything to keep us safe.
27. I get to pick the place to eat, always, as long as there is beer there.
28. I am proud to be your wife. You hold yourself to a very high standard, and people respect you. I am proud to be by your side.
29. You have an easygoing personality. When I get my crazy ideas, you never hamper them. Instead, you let me run with them.
30. You never call me by my name. (Unless you are REALLY mad, of course.) I have been "Mama," before I was a mama. And on the occasions you are too lazy to get up to do something, in your sweetest, smoothest voice, I am “honey, sweety, love of my life.” (Yes, it works every time.)
31. You give the best hugs. When I am down, bearhug. When I am happy, bearhug. When I didn’t know I needed it, bearhug. I am swallowed up in your giant arms, and instantly loved.
32. I love the way you look at me. Still to this day, you look at me the same way you did when we first started out.
33. You still think I am sexy. Even after two kids and countless medical procedures, and all different body fluctuations, in my 40s you still think I am sexy.
34. You will drive me to get the grocery pick-up, even on your day off. At times you take an unexpected day off, and I have groceries ordered for that same day. You will get up early with me and drive me, even if you could have slept in.
35. You wish me a great day, every day, on your way out the door to work. You know how to get my day started right—with a kiss, I love you and have a nice day.
36. I can put my cold feet on you, at any time. Yep, you always welcome my cold feet.
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